Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Making Money From Your Blogs

You can make money online through number of ways.You can start a web site or a blog, decision is yours. I thought of sharing some tips and about the amazing opportunities that are opening for bloggers to make money from blogs. The most important thing is that this is becoming easier and easier than ever. The most commonly used way of money making is through advertisement programs , especially google adsense. But there are many more options also.
                        But before i talk about the marketing and advertising i have to talk about th content of your blog.
You can create a Personal blog, Business Blog , Information Blogs, or Celebrity Blogs, it depends upon your knowledge and interest. But you must be passionate about the topic you select. I have seen people starting a blog and not continuing, its happens just because they are not passionate about the topics they select. Its always better to start with a topic which you are most interested. For a beginner its better to start a Personal Blog and make that a open diary.
                       Before starting you need three things, Computer, Internet and A creative mind. Then choose a topic, it can be your experience your ideas, anything, you have so many things to choose from. It takes a while for your blogs to get exposure, but be patient. You find it difficult with your blog and losing touch with your topics. You will find many drafts post pending and don't have the energy to finish them. There are thousands of blog starting everyday and end up very soon. Just because there is no planning. Don't waste time creating topics which are very common.   
                      I heard a story about a blogger who is just 14 years old and making huge money. He is named as kidblogger. Its hard to believe, a kid who started blogging this summer toped the google chart .  So what did i learned from this kid after hearing his story of success.
      Write what you know most, It can be anything, make it new and fresh, Do not copy paste the things which already there in internet. You can always go through internet for help, to add widgets, to add new templates etc..I used some of free template that are available in internet to make my blog look good. You can also check some here or find some other. There are thousands of site which provides free templates.

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