Friday, February 18, 2011

How can you tell you are in Love?

How can i tell i m in love?
This was the question i was asking myself for many years. But i was not able to answer. Now,  i m in love and i think i can answer. It seems like a very easy question now. :). Its confusing alright but can answer if your are truly in love.

Physical responses you get when you are with your loved ones is quiet different from the normal. There are many indicators when you are at their presence like Shiver, Goosebumps, Blush, Sweat, Cry when say goodbye, Feel warm inside, can't stop smiling :) all these are indicators of you may have found the true one.
Non obsessive worry, We all worry about our loved ones, but when you are in love the worry takes to a new height. You will start worrying about small things like "Will they enjoy the dinner with you", "Will they like" "Are they satisfied" etc...these worries are not because you are thinking negatively but purely you are concerned about their good or well being.  
Wanting the world to know how happy you are, when you are with your mate.True love is characterized by wanting everyone to know just how happy you are together. May be its more traditional way like Marriage. Anyway when you are in true love you feel like you are compelled to tell the world that you love each other.
Reminders, When you are in love almost everything you experience reminds you of your mate. From the way they say "Hi" to the smell of their perfume,  wherever you are, what ever you do your mind will return back to your loved one.
Positive thoughts, what ever the situation may be, you will see only the positives of your mate.
Being Yourself, You are more yourself when with your partner than you are with anybody else

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